The SOMA Justice Postsecondary Education MAC Scholarship is designed to help MAC Scholars as they pursue their educational ambitions.
SOMA JUSTICE Postsecondary Education MAC Scholarship Sponsorship Levels
General MAC Scholarship Fund ($50 and up)
A donation at this level will help build our general fund to assist MAC Scholars' tuition towards their secondary educational goals.
Book/Resource Supporter ($250 and up)
A donation at this level will go towards supporting a student's extra costs and expenses.
Legacy Creator ($500 and up)
A donation at this level can be named after your family and/or MAC alum.
Corporate Future Builder ($1000 and up)
A donation at this level can be named after a sponsoring business.
Culture Preserver/HBCU Scholarship ($1000 and up)
A donation at this level will go to a student attending an HBCU.